Just an info about what "Agent Orange" is, it is the code name for a herbicide and defoliant-contaminated with TCDD-used by the U.S. military in its Herbicidal Warfare program during the Vietnam War.(source:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agent_Orange)
Elly is a member of this 3km walking event called "Program companion to the victims of Agent Orange." Even if it is 10km if it is Elly's you are walking with, right? Anyway a good points for Elly for making this good deed. Fans of Elly, let's look at her good side as well okay? :)
Elly is a member of this 3km walking event called "Program companion to the victims of Agent Orange." Even if it is 10km if it is Elly's you are walking with, right? Anyway a good points for Elly for making this good deed. Fans of Elly, let's look at her good side as well okay? :)